Finding The Sims 4 teen gameplay a bit boring? Want to spice up your teens’ experience with some new features?

Sims 4 Teen Mods

We’ve solved that problem! We’ve put together the ultimate list of Sims 4 teen mods just for you.

From traits to gameplay mods, this list has everything you need to make your teen Sims’ lives more interesting and realistic.

These mods are a great addition for Simmers who don’t have the High School Years pack, or even if you have all packs! They can still greatly improve your gameplay.

FYI: Mods often go out of date when new game updates come out. Make sure the mod is up-to-date before you download it to avoid breaking your game.

Sims 4 Teen Mods

By ilkavelle

Teen Aspirations Bundle

Looking for more teen-focused aspirations in The Sims 4?

These four new aspirations are just what you need!

  • Prom Royalty (Requires Brittpinkie’s Prom Event Mod)
  • Overachiever
  • Towards Independence
  • Teenage Rebellion

The best part? They’re all base game compatible!

Astronomy Club After-School Activity
By  tactical_tuna

Astronomy Club After-School Activity

Got a teen Sim who loves science?

With this mod, they can join the Astronomy Club as an after-school activity, learning about constellations and even stargazing.

The club features three membership levels, and if you have Discover University, your Sim will earn rewards for reaching Junior Member and Senior Member status.

Auto Shorter Teens
By Menaceman44 

Auto Shorter Teens

One frustrating thing in The Sims 4 is that teen Sims are the same height as young adults and older Sims.

This clever mod by Menaceman44 fixes that by adding a subtle height difference. Once installed, teen Sims will automatically be shorter than older Sims.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection
By lumpinoumods

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection

This comprehensive relationship and pregnancy overhaul mod offers a feature for teens, allowing them to get pregnant.

But it doesn’t stop there. It includes moodlets and new interactions, letting teen Sims receive support from their parents or even face being kicked out.

Online Learning System
By LittleMsSam

Online Learning System

This mod lets teen Sims learn skills online, no more buying books constantly!

It’s a convenient option, though it comes with a cost, starting at 150 Simoleons

Genius Teens Can Apply & Enroll To University Anytime
By ilkavelle

Genius Teens Can Apply & Enroll To University Anytime

If your teen Sim has the Genius trait, this mod lets them apply to university, just like young adults and older Sims.

It’s a great way to explore new storylines and academic paths for your teen Sims!

Parenting Skill for Teens By LittleMsSam

Have a teen who would love to start learning the parenting skill? Then this mod enables that for them!

Let Friends Age Up
By littlemssam

Let Friends Age Up

It’s frustrating when your teen Sim ages up, but their NPC friends don’t.

This mod fixes that by adding an option when blowing out birthday candles, letting you age up up to 20 Sims at once!.

Sleep In Mod By LittleMsSam

With this mod your sims can finally host a baby shower.

Pre-Teen Mod
By ItsKatato

Pre-Teen Mod

This mod adds a much-needed life stage between childhood and the teenage years, making the transition feel more natural.

With this mod, Sims gain a Pre-Teen trait, automatically enroll in middle school, and have an adjusted height to better reflect their age. It also introduces a simple hygiene system, disables romance interactions, and enhances realism.

For full functionality, Parenthood and Snowy Escape are required. This mod brings a level of depth that feels like it should have been part of the base game!

Prom Event
By kiarasims4mods

Prom Event

Wish your Sims could have prom anytime instead of following the High School Years schedule?

This mod lets teen Sims host or attend prom as a new event, giving you full control over when it happens.

Requires Get Together and High School Years to work

Longer High School Prom
By Senni 

Longer High School Prom

This mod extends the prom event in The Sims 4 from the default 4 hours to either 6 hours (from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM) or an optional 8 hours (from 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM), which will give you more time to achieve your sims prom goals and just have fun.

It also increases the maximum number of participants from 20 to 30 and for pre prom allows 10 invites instead of 8.

Summer Camp
By adeepindigomods

Summer Camp

This mod offers 11 new summer camp experiences for child and teen Sims, available via phone or computer during summer.

Camp options include Academic Enrichment, Arts, Band, and more, with each camp lasting 5 days and offering skill development and unique buffs.

The mod requires the Base Game and Seasons, and recommends additional packs for a fuller experience.

 Education Overhaul
By adeepindigomods

Education Overhaul

This mod transforms the schooling experience in The Sims 4, introducing new education options, virtual schooling, changes to grade school and high school routines, and much more.

I’d really recommend reading the download page as this mod just has so many features

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Sims 4 Teen Mods
Sims 4 Teen Mods

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